Health Update

Well, the swelling in my lower legs and feet hasn't subsided much after a night on the couch so I'm not able to work or be at my desk much. I'm also out of breath very easily. Just by walking across the room. Carrying a burdensome amount of weight isn't helping matters either. The swelling was down two days ago but not gone. It never goes away. I can't help but hope this experience will be as brief as possible I know that. I mean, everyone would like to know what's in store and for how long until lights out for good.

Make sure you do everything you can to ameliorate deathbed regrets and confessions to provide the opportunity and space for others to adjust to the reality that you're gonna probably check out of this life's hotel. I think that's important and attenuates the shock factor. So soon? That's what some sentiment may be if I wanted to be sarcastic about the deal. And limiting best you can the number and scope of your too late for the party hail Mary confessions seems like the optimum thing to do. Just my zero cost advice, from the for what it's worth department. 

As far as the toe goes, a friend of mine helped me remove and replace the dressing on my right great toe. She worried me using a razor sharp carpet knife blade to cut the old off and the new on. 🩹's no. Gauze and like a clothy soft style gauze different than OG stuff. So it was a nail-biting suck it up and cringe kind of ordeal. Though that mayn't be the best syntax it should pass for at least C work. Lol. Just playin'. Stretching the delicate boundary between poetics and proses. Haha. Yet still coherent. I hope. Meaning I hope I haven't lost too many folk by now. 

Let me explain. Which, if history's an indicator, might take forever or the end of mine whichever comes first. Insofar as that goes, then, let's return to the scene of the rhyme. Nah, that's something different. Fret away or not, the air clears up ahead so stick to it. Check back often for updates. Now, in keeping on task, aka returning to what I was on about to start out...

The title of this post happens to be Health Update. So that, then, naturally, settles in as the main idea or topic [of conversation]. Or, as I scratch and scribble sketches of often, mental maps. Created via brainstorming sessions. I cannot fuckin' draw for shit. My work resembles something someone with a broken brain would draw. A god damn retarded fucking monkey 🐒🐵 might produce. Couldn't have been all the drugs cuz it's been like that ever since I can remember. I'm probably overly sensitized to nefarious critiquing of my funny drawings so tread heavily. Haha. 

Seriously, once in a while I'll come up with something that bears resemblance to wait wait just fucking wait a second. That's precisely why I find a particular form of art intriguing and that is Abstract Expressionism. I suppose photography & filmmaking are Art forms as well now that I pause to think about it. All 3 are forms of expression. Artistic expression. I know I'm stating the obvious but I just couldn't help it. Hell, man, when you habitually write about nothing you're gonna have that. 

So the main topic for this post has been a health update. So That's just what I deed. Both physical and mental. The latter more vaguely defined. More of an explanation or analysis perhaps of whoa! Talk about being off in the weeds. Let's try again next time. 

Fair enough 



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