Governor Sanders chimes In On Rising Republican Superstar

Update to previous updated update from you got it, the updater, of course. Just another garden variety disclaimer or, like I like to say if I need to pass myself off as smart, so fooling everyone and nearly myself occasionally if I get too wrapped around the work axle too long. But you'll have that. So going on here, now I just wanted to remind all who even care to soak it in that the following images are essentially nothing more than a random collection begotten by way of the click and drag to hilite to hold click then drag n drop on target and boom! Final bell tolling begins, and IAW policy directives, I'm required to advise the taxpayer that I actually do, in fact, and in the spirit of governments in the sunshine techniques deployed during the general administration of an organizatioin and boom, baby got back to it now see, so that's a god damn disabled damn dot dammit! Dot dot fucking dots. Properly connected. Yeah, in it's most simple form I suppose and invoking Occam here in furtherance of a serious strategem. Steaks are high as fuck Chuck? Nah man, Sirloin Strip sir, best Iowa beef around. Fareway Stores Mrs. Britt, is not what anyone with a bit of sense about 'em'd even draw up the word man think about it for a sec and you'll see what you see so dot we now do in fact have. Dot 1. Must properly connect to another dot or other dots. Got all that cuz if not then we have all ur base so defeat is now imminent. Within the next few minutes half hour max you and your family dog will become violently ill from the food you just ate ahhhh.....panic begins to set in triggering impossible despair drenched dooooooomeeeee yeah so now is about the time you struggle to maintain your grip on it, it being whatever you were holding sir, it just fell out of your hand and hit the floor rolling was it a coin or something mustve been that was the dumbest damn question so far today annnnd just in time I just now remembered again for the first time just in thyme that I am not obligated to speak. Shhh. Ears. Notepad check, Pilot Shop pen check, check checkers Chancellor of the Exchequer for some odd reason just sorta appeared like pure fucking magique, PFM. That's what we used to say in the flyinig business when hudu vuv juju fixes fuckdihjuytu isuue ju see mon. So, PFM. 


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