Whitesnake - Here I Go Again - Greatest Hits 2022

Reyset [Thinks Shit!] Caption that there uhhh hot shot. Or you still tough guy wannabe OG? OIC. NCOI alright knock it off you too. Straighten up and fly right dammit. so, welcome back my friends to a show that never ends. Or so the lyrics go and the Question of the moment is why the phuq, well, more than one maybe prn, like how I deploy the Golden Nectar o' the Gods, PR....you can say it with everyone else Dr. MAGrAhhhh you're currently in the inexorable circumstances which appear, quite restrictively blunt Mr. President I'm being for good god dam reason dare I say. Huh? Set Hutt.

After coming to via amylnitrates and some whiskey, the medics patched up what they could and sent him on his way. Tip: Aside from don't take wooden nickels, please bear in mind pdc pretty damn close to the first working memory register available to get the geek on. Geeq'd be freak annnnd hang on to that set of cognitive cogs Captain, there's a message in ACARS-MR IMMEDIATE precedence. Aircraft movement sir and uhhhh, Sir?                 CUT

See can you better see or maybe, as I smoothly downshift or, down regulate; annnd what usually happens when I show off like this by tryna sign words from other Lexi's got the jewels may I expressly urge your most thoughtful consideration devoid of bias - decoded plane fucking language for that would be uhhh....huh. Alright, everyone, push the reset button at the tone when it'll be this weird god damn deranged Doctor Dystopianistic prescribed programme again. When? After the freak show featuring that headless nurse side show they called it then it just vanished into the voided voids void pry right next to where all the missing socks go who knows. So, the sooner the reader realizes just what deja vu is the sooner that Silly Silo at the local fucking theme park shall be renamed and for that process, we shift gears, or, yeah, upshift. Now we will anyway, so upshifting is going on from now soon more than one sole soul show up you see boss man you see. Aiight, now's the time and place for a heaping helping of some Mid


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